Seg - Sex 8:00 - 18:00
(81) 98207.0367 | (81) 3213.0810

Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor Localizado a 400 metros do Sítio Trindade, o Plaza Mayor chega com um conceito de moradia para quem busca a melhor qualidade de vida, bem-estar, alinhados com os novos conceitos de habitação contemporânea na Zona Norte do Recife. Por estar implantado próximo ao Sítio da Trindade, sendo uma área

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Novotel Erguido na beira de um cais, com tecnologias da Espanha, Alemanha e mudança de métodos construtivos brasileiros. O Hotel Marina conta com de 320 quartos, marina com capacidade para 170 barcos e um centro de convenções com 8 mil m² de áreas de eventos e pavilhão de feiras. O

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Campo di Fiori

Campo di Fiori O conforto e a privacidade de viver em um empreendimento exclusivo com 01 apartamento por andar. Área exclusiva para embarque e desembarque com controle de acesso, garantindo segurança e conforto. Uma moderna e ampla infraestrutura, com aproximadamente 1.000m² de área de lazer. Empreendimento Residencial Localização Madalena – Recife

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Novotel Erguido na beira do Cais de Santa Rita com tecnologias da Espanha, Alemanha e mudança de métodos construtivos brasileiros. O Novotel conta com de 320 quartos, marina com capacidade para 170 barcos e um centro de convenções com 8 mil m² de áreas de eventos e pavilhão de feiras.

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Fondation Tiles

Fondation Tiles An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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Commercial Building

Commercial Building An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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Commercial Building

Commercial Building An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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Compact House

Compact House An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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Compact House

Compact House An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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Riverside Residence

Riverside Residence An expansive space that will straddle LA’s famed Wilshire Boulevard, the project will feature 110,000 square feet of gallery space in one single level to display and present art in a non-hierarchical, egalitarian way. As part of the new building, Clark will construct a new theater, education spaces,

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